
University of Gloucestershire Students’ Union take all forms of harassment very seriously. We don't think that anyone should have to experience harassment, whether it's online, on campus, or in the community. This page can be useful in knowing what to do if an incident happens to you or a friend which including incidents of harassment, discrimination or bullying - below are some definitions of these terms which you might find useful. 

Support at UoG

UoG have an incident reporting tool where you can report if you have been made to feel uncomfortable or unsafe, regardless of how that incident might be defined.

Click to access the reporting tool 


Harassment can take many forms - it doesn't have to be physical. Some examples of harassment are unwanted groping, pinching, smacking and physical contact as well as wolf whistling, cat calling, inappropriate sexual comments, sexually based insults, jokes, songs or taunts. Stalking can also occur consitute harassment  and, of course, harassment can take place online.


Discrimination is treating someone with a particular protected characteristic (disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion, sex or sexual orientation) less fairly or putting arrangements in place that put someone with a particular characteristic at an unfair disadvantage or treating someone unfairly because they have complained about discrimination or harassment.


Bullying is the abuse of power or authority; verbal, written or physical intimidation; persistent unjustified criticism; public humiliation; setting impossible deadlines or unwarranted exclusions. Bullying can occur in many different settings.