Autism Acceptance Month

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As part of Autism Acceptance Month, which takes place in April, our Education and Community Officer, Ibby Williams, who was diagnosed just before the start of their 3rd year, has focussed on the experience of students at UoG with autism. 

Ibby wrote an article describing her experience at UoG before diagnoises and following diagnosis, and detailed how the diagnosis change their university experience. You can read this here:


Below is an interview with Ryan, a UoG student with autism and his experience with autism. 

Below are some resources recommendations from Ibby:


Untypical by Pete Wharmby –

In this book, Pete Wharmby explains how the world isn’t built for autistic people, and what everyone can do about it. It goes through different categories, such as the workplace, making friends, and special interests. This book felt like someone had explained my brain in a clear and concise way, and I would recommend it to anybody who wants to learn more about the hidden ways in which autistic people navigate life.



Avoiding Anxiety in Autistic Adults by Dr Luke Beardon –

This book was recommended to me as part of my autism assessment and is a short read   that clearly demonstrates the different areas of life that autistic people experience anxiety around. He writes about autism in a realistic way – neither seeing it as a superpower or as something that confines individuals to a life of issues. This book helped me in asking for reasonable adjustments at University and work!




Strong Female Character by Fern Brady –

Fern Brady is an autistic comedian who was diagnosed later in life. Her autobiography explores this and speaks about autistic meltdowns and burnout in the most vulnerable and honest way that I have ever read. She speaks incredibly openly about her life, which made me feel seen. 

Trigger Warning – this book includes mentions of self-harm, domestic abuse, eating disorders, suicidal thoughts and mental illness.





Stories of Autistic Joy by Laura Kate Dale –

This book was created as an antidote to the idea that autism is a wholly negative experience. It also aims to avoid seeing autistic joy as something that non-autistic people should view as entertainment. It includes a diverse range of autistic individuals sharing their personal stories of how they feel joy as an autistic person. From playing Pokemon, to unmasking for the first time, it encapsulates autistic joy beautifully.



The Humans by Matt Haig –

Although this book is not explicitly about autism, Matt Haig has recently been diagnosed as autistic and recognises this storyline to be representative of the autistic experience. When an alien takes the form of a mathematician at Cambridge University, they must come to understand the experience of being human. Initially, the extra-terrestrial being is abhorred by how humans behave, but through experiences such as listening to music, bonding with the professor’s family, and taking the dog on walks, they begin to learn what it truly means to be human. This book is one of my favourite books and made me feel seen well before I was even diagnosed as autistic.


Neurodivergent Moments with Abigoliah Schamaun and Joe Wells –

Each week, Abigoliah (an ADHD comedian) and Joe (an autistic comedian), meet with a different neurodivergent guest, typically a fellow performer or creative, to discuss different topics, ranging from masking to education. They also share their “neurodivergent moments” which they describe as moments where they realised that their brains work differently to other people. It is funny, heartwarming, and feels like friends just talking to each other.
