Network Lead elections 

Nominations for our Network Lead elections are now open! 

Nominate yourself here

What are Networks?

Student Networks create spaces for students from a variety of different communities and backgrounds to connect. Networks are a great way for students from similar backgrounds and communities to come together and share their experiences and interests. Networks are driven by collective action, and they work as representative bodies that can lead campaigns and hold forums for discussion. As well as this, Networks can serve as a social space for students to come together and socialise!


What are Network Leads? 

Network Leads are the elected representative of a given Network. As such, they are responsible for attending various meetings with the SU, contributing to discussions on how to improve University life for students in different communities. Our Networks are split into 3 distinct zones: the Education & Community Zone, Activities & Opportunities Zone, and the Welfare & Diversity Zone. Network Leads will sit in zone meetings with SU staff, one Full-Time Officer, and other Network Leads in their zone to discuss ways to improve UoG. What's great is that each Network Lead will bring forward a different perspective to these meetings, as they all represent different communities. This means that we hear from students across a wide range of communities!

Membership of Networks is free and open, just like membership of the Union. To be a member of a particular Network, you must also be eligible to be part of that community. For instance, only members of the LGBTQ+ community can join the LGBTQ+ Network, only International Students can join the International Students Network, etc. If you're unsure whether you are eligible to join a particular Network, please contact


Education & Community Zone

Course Representitives x2

Postgraduate Students Network Lead

Campus Experience Network Lead



Activities & Opportunities Zone

Sports Network Lead

Societies Network Lead

Sustainability Network Lead

Volunteers Network Lead


Welfare & Diversity Zone

Mental Health Network Lead

Women+ Students Network Lead

Students with Disabilities Network Lead

LGBTQ+ Network Lead

Mature Students Network Lead

Black, Asian and ME+ Network Lead

International Students Network Lead

Parents and Carers Network Lead

Care Leavers Network Lead