UOGSU is a student-led, fully registered charity with a mission to improve the lives of students at UOG by providing a range of services, support and opportunities. Your Student’s Union is here for you to give you a life enhancing student experience no matter what course you study. As a student of UoG, you automatically become a member of the SU.

Through the SU, you can join a society or sports club, get support through our advice service, attend events, use our shops and bars and become a representative for other students. The SU is run by 3 elected Full Time Officers who are supported by permanent staff members and student staff members. 

As a registered charity we have clear aims:

  • To promote the interests and welfare of our students
  • To be the representative body of our students
  • To provide activities and opportunities for our students

Our Values

  • Inclusive – We’re an SU for everyone at UoG and we’ll champion the rights of those with protected characteristics 
  • Democratic – Being led by students is what makes us special and it’s incredibly important to us
  • Sustainable – We know that decisions we take have an effect in the world and want to make decisions that contribute positively 
  • Courageous – We’ll take chance and try new things to make your experience at UoG the best to can be
  • Student Focussed – Our members will always be at the centre of our decision making
  • Honest – We’ll tell the truth and be open about our priorities with our members and stakeholders
  • Supportive – We’ll have your back and challenge those who make decisions to be as student focussed as we are 
  • Fun – Being a part of UoGSU should be transformative but also exciting 

Our Finances

You can see our most recent accounts on the Charity Commison website here