Welcome to Sport at UoGSU!

All 25 of our sports teams and clubs here at the University of Gloucestershire are run by the Students' Union.

If you like regular competition, many of our sports clubs and teams compete nationally against other Universities as part of the BUCS (British Universities and Colleges Sport) Leagues and Championships and we have a number of very successful teams. There are also a number of recreational opportunities on offer as well. So whether you’re serious about sport or just want to take part recreationally, there will be something for you here at UoGSU! 

Each of our Sports Clubs have their own pages on the SU website, so to find out more about any of the Sports Clubs we currently have navigate to the Find a Club page and select the sport you want to find out more about. If you can't find your sport on there, email us (details below) to find out more information about setting up your own Sports Club!

All of our sports clubs are student-led, to find out more about the committee roles, access more information here:

Committee Roles in SU Sports Clubs

Find a Sports Club 

Need more information?

Activities & Opportunities Officer: Ness Garratt - ngarratt@glos.ac.uk

Student Activities Coordinator: Beck Bennett - bbennett1@glos.ac.uk