Introducing our new feedback tool, Voice It

Voice It is the new feedback tool, which can be found on under the 'Feedback' banner. It is powered by MSL (our website provider) so that we can provide a more intuitive and user-friendly service for students. Every student at UOG can use the tool and it is open 24/7, so that you can quickly fill in any issues you may have.


3 Steps to using Voice It:

  1. Discuss it with your Course Reps and Student Subject Coordinator first, before submiting feedback to Voice It
  2. Say It to Voice It if the issue still hasn't been resolved. Please be specific and concise, so we can support you efficiently. Take care to not use offensive language or personally attack individuals.
  3. Pause It, meaning wait for us to send your feedback to be actioned and solved by the relevant team, which we will then report back to you!

Click the Voice It logo above to access Voice It!

Introducing another new feedback tool, Change It

Change It is a brand-new tool for the Students' Union. It is an Ideas Forum where students can input an idea or motion that they feel needs implementing in UOG.

In order for the idea to be discussed at Student Council, it would need at least 25 upvotes, as well as 25 more upvotes than downvotes. The idea would need to meet this criteria within 3 months of posting in order for it to be sent up to Student Council.


3 Steps to using Change It:

  1. Think It - think about an issue you have in mind and how you want it solved. Think about how the issue affects students, and in what way? What would you like the Students' Union to do to address the issue?
  2. Change It - Use Change It to input your idea, although it's worth checking if the idea has already been passed as we might already be working on it! If you're studying on a professional course, please ensure that you are considering your professional guidance/agreement with the University
  3. Vote It - Get your cohort and peers to vote on your issue! It must get at least 25 up-votes, and a total of 25 up-votes more than down-votes within 3 months of posting in order to be added to the SU Student Council agenda, otherwise it will be rejected.

Examples of previous Change It ideas that have been posted on the site:

"Remove re-submission fees for students' assessments at first resit attempt"

"Improve the helpzone and student welfare appointments"

"Bring back the Park Campus park"

"More funding for University Counselling Service"