Candidate for the position of BSc (Hons) Forensic Psychology L4 - Academic Rep



Vote for me to represent your views!

I would be delighted to represent you as your Course Rep.  My role will be to act as a communication channel between you, the students, and the Academic Course Leaders in order to address any concerns you have.  I will work closely with the Student Subject Coordinators to improve your student experience.  I will also be able to update you on any changes that have occurred as a result of your input.


Why should you vote for me?  My previous roles as Head of House at School and as a qualified Swim Coach have given me the life skills to liaise with both course members and the Course Leaders.  I am a good listener and will be a strong champion for any necessary changes.  My successful participation in the Duke of Edinburgh Award scheme demonstrates my ability to work as part of a team and that is exactly what we would be; a team working to make improvements.


I will be available to course members and I will always be happy to listen to your concerns and suggestions.


I look forward to working with and for you all.