30/01/25 Officer Update

Officer Updatesstudent voice
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Ness Garratt – Activities and Opportunities Officer

Ness has had a very busy week supporting the SU staff with Welcome Plans. She had a successful day at the January Welcome Fayre, hosting her stall and engaging with the student leaders of sports clubs and societies. It was great to see you all there. We also had our first board meeting of 2025, where she shared with our board members all of the work that she put into her campaign. Ness launched Feel Good Feb and has seen great engagement from students already.  

Finally, Ness and Jack, the VPSA at Worcester, have worked to finalise this year’s varsity campaign. We’re really excited to share what that will be with students very soon. 

Kit Boulting-Hodge – Education and Community Officer

This week has been particularly busy, in partnership with Karina Whelan the president of the LGBTQ+ society we attended the partnership meeting and gained the support of many organisations. With this, I have proceeded to book all the rooms and estates requests. I am also pleased to announce that I will be hosting a speed-meeting event (a friendlier version than speed dating) on the 3rd of March, I have worked with Amy the new member of our team so we look forward to seeing you there. I have also stocked the community cupboard at FCH, if you are struggling feel free to take or get in touch with us!

Bobola Ajibola – Welfare and Diversity Officer

This week, I have been actively supporting the January 2025 intake by creating a dedicated group to assist them in transitioning to university life. 
I have provided consistent guidance, responded to their queries, and directed them to relevant university departments and support teams to ensure they have the resources needed for a smooth academic start.
Additionally, I am organizing Diversity Night 4.0, scheduled for 6th February 2025. Building on the success of past events, this gathering aims to welcome students, foster a sense of belonging, and encourage meaningful connections within the university community. 
The event will feature contributions from various university teams to support and address students’ needs during the evening.
These activities reflect my commitment to the #WeBelong campaign.
